In a landmark move to prioritize animal welfare and public health, the Maldivian government has introduced the Animal Care and Protection Bill to Parliament. Sponsored by Hinnavaru MP Mohamed Ibrahim, the proposed legislation aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework for the care, husbandry, and trade of animals, while also addressing concerns over zoonotic diseases.
At the core of the bill are significant financial penalties for violations. The legislation prescribes fines ranging from MVR 10,000 to MVR 1 million for any act that leads to the spread of zoonotic diseases. Additionally, the bill sets fines of MVR 5,000 to MVR 500,000 for the illegal import or export of animals and fines between MVR 10,000 and MVR 100,000 for violations related to animal husbandry, care, or tampering with samples. Other offenses, such as harming an animal or releasing one into a public space, could incur fines ranging from MVR 5,000 to MVR 50,000, with additional penalties of up to MVR 100,000 for other infractions.
The proposed law designates the Animal Welfare Ministry as the primary authority responsible for policy formulation and enforcement, a move that would also transfer the authority to approve the import of animals deemed “dangerous” from the Defence Ministry to the Animal Welfare Ministry. Furthermore, the bill mandates the establishment of port quarantine facilities and animal sanctuaries, granting the Animal Welfare Ministry the power to inspect these facilities to ensure compliance with regulations.
“This bill is a crucial step in ensuring the safe and sustainable treatment of animals in the Maldives,” said Hinnavaru MP Mohamed Ibrahim. “By introducing significant penalties and strengthening the regulatory framework, we aim to protect animal welfare and mitigate potential public health risks from zoonotic diseases.”
If enacted, the Animal Care and Protection Bill will represent a landmark achievement in the Maldives’ efforts to prioritize animal welfare and public health. The proposed legislation promises to introduce a more structured and enforceable system for safeguarding animal welfare, while also bolstering protections against the spread of zoonotic diseases.
About the Maldives: The Maldives is a renowned tropical destination known for its stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches, and vibrant marine life. As a small island nation, the Maldives is committed to sustainable development and the preservation of its delicate ecosystem, including the welfare of its diverse animal populations.
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